tears production

Tears Production: It's a Balancing Act

Tears are more than just an emotional response to a touching movie scene; they're a constant and intricate part of your eye's well-being. In this article, we'll explore the delicate balance of tear production and why it's crucial for your comfort and eye health.

How Your Body Knows When to Make More Tears 

Ever wondered why you blink without even thinking about it? It's because your body has an incredible mechanism for keeping your eyes well-lubricated and comfortable. In this section, we'll take a closer look at the remarkable process of tear production and how your body knows precisely when to make more tears.

The Role of Blinking

Blinking is like a built-in windshield wiper for your eyes. On average, we blink about 15-20 times per minute. This seemingly automatic action is anything but random. Each blink serves a purpose:

Distribution of Tears

Every time you blink, your eyelids gently sweep a thin layer of tear fluid (known as the tear film) across the surface of your eye. This smooths out imperfections, removes debris, and ensures your eye's surface remains moist and protected.

Sensory Signals Triggering Tear Production

Your body is equipped with sensors that constantly monitor the condition of your eyes. These sensors include:

Corneal Nerves

Tiny nerve endings on the surface of your cornea are highly sensitive to changes in moisture and temperature. When they detect a dry spot or an irritant, they send signals to your brain.

Lacrimal Gland Feedback

The lacrimal glands responsible for producing tears receive messages from your brain in response to sensory input from the corneal nerves. If your brain senses dryness or irritation, it signals your lacrimal glands to produce more tears.

The Feedback Loop | 5-Steps Process

tears: feedback loop

This incredible system forms a feedback loop that constantly monitors and adjusts tear production:

Step 1: Dry Spot Detected

Let's say a dry spot forms on your eye's surface due to an environmental factor like wind or a specific activity like reading for an extended period.

Step 2: Sensory Signal Sent

The corneal nerves instantly send signals to your brain, informing it of the dryness.

Step 3: Brain's Response

Your brain processes this information and decides whether more tears are needed to maintain comfort and protect the eye.

Step 4 Signal to Lacrimal Glands

If the brain determines that more tears are necessary, it sends signals to the lacrimal glands, instructing them to increase tear production.

Step 5: Tears Released

The lacrimal glands start producing tears, and with the next blink, these fresh tears are spread across the eye's surface, hydrating it and soothing any discomfort

The Role of Reflex Tears | More Than Just Emotional Tears

Reflex tears are like the rapid-response team of your tear system. They leap into action whenever your eyes encounter irritants or situations that require an extra dose of protection. In this section, we'll explore the incredible versatility and importance of reflex tears beyond just the emotional realm.

How Reflex Tears Differ from Emotional Tears

While both types of tears serve important functions, reflex tears are unique in their purpose and composition:

Triggered by Irritation

Reflex tears are primarily triggered by irritation or external factors like wind, smoke, dust, or foreign objects coming into contact with your eyes. They're your eyes' way of defending against potential harm.


These tears have a different chemical makeup compared to emotional tears. They contain higher levels of antibodies, enzymes, and proteins to help combat irritants and protect your eyes.

Their Impressive Ability to Flush Out Irritants

Reflex tears are your eyes' first line of defense when something threatens their well-being. Here's how they work their magic:

Immediate Response

When an irritant is detected, your sensory nerves in the cornea and conjunctiva quickly send signals to your brain, alerting it to the danger.

Tear Production Amped Up

In response to these signals, your brain sends commands to increase tear production significantly. The idea is to flood your eyes with tears, effectively washing away the irritant.

Rinse and Remove

As your lacrimal glands go into overdrive, a copious amount of reflex tears is released onto your eye's surface. These tears dilute and flush out the irritant, preventing potential damage.

The Involuntary Nature of Reflex Tears

One fascinating aspect of reflex tears is that they're beyond your control. You can't consciously decide to produce them; your body takes charge automatically when it senses danger. This involuntary response is like a reflex action that occurs without conscious thought.

Why They're a Sign of Your Eyes' Vigilance

The fact that your eyes can generate reflex tears at a moment's notice is a testament to their vigilance in protecting themselves. It's a crucial mechanism that helps keep your eyes safe from harm in unpredictable situations.

Basal Tears | Tears for Daily Maintenance

 Tears gland system

While reflex tears handle sudden irritants and emotional moments, basal tears are your eyes' constant companions, silently working to maintain daily comfort and health. In this section, we'll shine a light on these unsung heroes and their essential role in your eye's everyday well-being.

What Are Basal Tears?

Think of basal tears as the steady foundation of your tear system. Unlike reflex tears that are produced in response to specific triggers, basal tears are continuously secreted at a slow and steady rate throughout the day, even when your eyes are perfectly comfortable. Here's why they matter:

Maintaining the Eye's Wet Surface

Your eye's surface, including the cornea and conjunctiva, needs to stay consistently moist for optimal functioning. Basal tears provide this moisture, preventing the surface from becoming dry or irritated. They ensure that your eyes are always ready for action, whether you're reading, working on a computer, or simply going about your day.

Protection Against Infections

Basal tears contain special proteins and enzymes that help protect your eyes from infections. They act as a natural shield, defending against bacteria and other potentially harmful microorganisms. This protective function is especially vital in environments where your eyes might be exposed to germs.

Aiding Clarity of Vision

Basal tears also contribute to the clarity of your vision. They create a smooth, uniform surface on your eye's cornea, which is essential for proper light refraction. This ensures that incoming light rays are accurately focused on your retina, allowing you to see clearly.

Preventing Dry Eye Sensation

Even in the absence of external irritants or emotional triggers, your eyes can sometimes feel dry or uncomfortable, especially in certain conditions like air-conditioned environments or while wearing contact lenses. Basal tears step in to combat this dryness, maintaining a consistent level of moisture and comfort.

The Importance of a Stable Tear Film

The tear film, which consists of three layers—water, oil, and mucus—is crucial for the overall health of your eyes. Basal tears play a key role in maintaining the stability of this tear film. They contribute to its even distribution across the eye's surface, ensuring that your eyes remain comfortable and protected.

Tear Imbalance: Too Many or Too Few

Maintaining the right balance of tears is essential for your eye's comfort and health. In this section, we'll explore what happens when this delicate equilibrium is disrupted, leading to either excessive tearing or insufficient tear production, and how to address these tear-related issues.

Excessive Tearing (Epiphora) | When Tears Overflow

Excessive tearing, medically known as epiphora, can be a perplexing and sometimes frustrating condition. It's marked by an overflow of tears, often accompanied by a persistent feeling of watery eyes. Here's what you need to know:

Common Causes

Excessive tearing can result from various factors, including allergies, eye irritants (like smoke or wind), blocked tear ducts, and eye infections. Sometimes, it can also be a sign of underlying eye conditions.


Beyond the obvious symptom of watery eyes, excessive tearing can lead to blurred vision, eye discomfort, and even skin irritation around the eyes due to constant moisture.

Seeking Help

If you find yourself dealing with persistent excessive tearing, it's crucial to consult an eye care professional. They can identify the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatments, which may include allergy management, artificial tears, or surgical interventions in the case of blocked tear ducts.

Insufficient Tear Production (Dry Eye Syndrome): When Tears Are Scarce

On the other end of the spectrum, we have dry eye syndrome, where the eyes don't produce enough tears or produce tears of poor quality. This condition can be equally discomforting and may lead to various complications. There are two main types of dry eyes with varying symptoms and causes

Common Causes

Dry eye syndrome can be caused by a range of factors, including aging, environmental conditions (like dry or windy weather), certain medications, systemic diseases, and hormonal changes (common in women during menopause).


The hallmark symptoms of dry eye include stinging or burning sensations, redness, a feeling of grittiness, excessive tearing as a reflex response to dryness, and blurry vision at night.

Management and Treatment

Managing dry eye syndrome involves a multi-faceted approach. Your eye care professional may recommend artificial tears, lifestyle changes (like using a humidifier or taking frequent breaks from screen time), medications to increase tear production, and in-office procedures like punctal occlusion or intense pulsed light therapy.

Eye Care formula from Allbe is undoubtedly the best dry eye supplement in Canada.  It has been developed over many years of research and development. It provides the essential vitamins that are necessary for eye health

Importance of Professional Evaluation | When in Doubt, Get Checked Out

Whether you're dealing with excessive tearing or dry eye syndrome, it's crucial to seek professional evaluation. The symptoms of both conditions can overlap, and an eye care specialist can provide a precise diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.

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