The Sugar Spectrum: Understanding Normal Blood Sugar Levels
From the first bite of your pancakes in the early morning to your last sweet tooth craving at night, your blood sugar levels are always on the move. Sugar spikes are normal when it comes to your day. But when the fasting blood sugar normal range gets beyond the limit, it does affect your health.
Though seemingly simple, blood sugar holds profound significance in our lives. It is not just a number or a medical term - it's a rhythm of life- a marker of health.
Understanding blood sugar levels thoroughly is a step toward diabetes management. Let’s get started with your first step toward a healthy life.
In this blog, we will deeply understand normal blood sugar levels by age and why good blood sugar levels are essential.
The Science of Blood Sugar
Blood sugar, AKA blood glucose, fuels our body's multiple processes. This cellular fuel comes out of the food you eat. All the nutrients, carbohydrates, in particular, break down to form glucose molecules, which are absorbed within the bloodstream.
They rely primarily on glucose from the brain to the muscles for energy. Too much or too little can turn havoc on our bodies.
It works together with a pancreatic hormone called insulin, which, together in action, fulfills the energy needs of body cells. In normal functioning, insulin release signals your cells to absorb glucose, lowering blood glucose levels.
What are Normal Blood Sugar Levels
To decipher how to control blood glucose levels, it is very much necessary to understand what it is. Blood sugar levels are the concentration of glucose within the blood. It varies both for diabetics and non-diabetics. So, what are normal blood sugar levels for a non-diabetic?
It is done in two phases:
Fasting blood sugar levels
It is considered a more reliable measure of a person’s overall health and metabolic efficiency. It is typically measured early in the morning before breakfast. Fasting blood sugar normal range for adults (non-diabetic) ranges between 70-100 mg per dL.
Blood sugar levels after a meal
This measures the ability of the body to absorb glucose within the blood. After you have your lunch, there is a slight increase in blood sugar levels. It stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, so the spikes usually reset. The normal range should be less than 140 mg/dL. A range up to 200 mg/DL is considered diabetic.
The 200 Question: Is 200 Blood Sugar Normal After Eating?
Generally, this rise of blood sugar levels to 200, and that too in the case of post-prandial, is considered too high. The range of up to 140 mg/dl is considered normal. It can further fall when it comes to pre-meal (two to three hours before) due to the efficient working of insulin.
But if the spike of 200 is too frequent, it is no longer normal.
It either depicts that your insulin is not working correctly or there is some issue with glucose metabolism.
Pregnancy-Glucose: Balancing Act
Pregnancy has many changes for the mother and the growing infant. Your body responds entirely differently to the hormones. As the placenta grows, the body shows an increase in hormones. Most of the time, it comes with insulin resistance, making insulin less functional.
Normal blood sugar levels in pregnancy
It is slightly different from the normal range of blood sugar levels. In a fasting condition, the levels should be ideally below 95 mg/dl whereas it should be 140 mg/dl when it comes to normal blood sugar levels in pregnancy after meals.
Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy
Around the 24th week of pregnancy, most women develop gestational diabetes. It is a condition where women show high levels of blood glucose levels. However, it goes at the end of pregnancy.
The effects of gestational pregnancy are not just confined to the mother. Instead, it affects both lives. In the case of infants, they might have overweight and sometimes respiratory distress syndrome. The mother might get type 2 diabetes at a later age.
What Level of Blood Sugar is Dangerous
After understanding blood sugar levels, realizing what rise or fall would turn fatal is important.
Hyperglycemia: Soaring High
As the term hyper suggests, hyperglycemia is when your blood shows a high spike in sugar levels. For non-diabetics, 140 on fasting and 180 mg/dl two hours after meals are considered hyperglycemic. The threshold is more for diabetic patients, of course. The symptoms of hyperglycemia include:
- Dry mouth
- Seizures
- Dark urine
- Drowsiness
Hypoglycemia: Diving Low
The hypoglycemic levels might get too low, below 70 mg/dl. Insufficient glucose can starve your brain of energy, leading to
- Confusion
- confusion,
- impaired concentration,
- dizziness, and in severe cases,
- loss of consciousness
What Foods Lower Blood Sugar Levels Immediately
Where too many factors contribute to your blood sugar levels, food is the one you can easily take control of.
You must see what you put in your body to manage your sugar spikes. The Following foods reduce your sugar levels immediately.
Lean Protein
Lean protein food includes chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, tofu, and low-fat dairy. These foods have no direct effect on blood sugar levels. They create a sense of fullness, thus preventing overeating.
When you consume lean protein, it breaks down into constituent amino acids instead of glucose. These amino acids make hormones or tissue growth. They slow down digestion, thus delaying glucose absorption.
Sauteed or non-starchy vegetables
Sauteed green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cauliflower on a low flame with your favorite sauce and lean chicken chunks to savor your midnight cravings. These vegetables are rich in nutrition, plus they are rich in carbs and fiber. Both contents regulate blood sugar levels. Fiber slows down glucose absorption following meals, which could prevent sugar spikes during eating.
Also Read - Food to Avoid with diabetes in 2023
Whole Grains
Whole grains such as legumes, oatmeal, and brown rice have a low glycemic index. A low glycemic index means they show fewer sugar spikes in consumption.
Unlike refined grains, they retain the outer shell, which sources the fiber to the body. Fiber helps slow digestion and, in turn, more gradual glucose absorption.
Tips to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Under Control
Keeping up your blood glucose levels isn't a daunting task. You can follow the following tips to control blood sugar levels:
- Follow a balanced diet
- Manage stress
- Take medication as prescribed
- Regular checkups
- Avoid smoking
- Skip processed diet
- Get sufficient sleep
Glycemia Care Supplements
In the diabetes management journey, glycemia care supplements also play a pivotal role. Glycemia care supplements are specially designed products that help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
These supplements blend ingredients meant for anti-diabetic or sugar level-lowering potentials. Common ingredients include chromium, alpha-lipoic acid, cinnamon, bitter melon, and fenugreek. You will often see cinnamon and diabetes going hand-in-hand
Glycemia Care is one potent diabetic-friendly supplement that holds sugar level-lowering potential.
Why are Good Blood Sugar Levels Important
Keeping your blood sugar level checked should be a regular practice. Whether you are a person with diabetes or a non-diabetic person, you should keep up with normal blood sugar levels to prevent the following.
- Diabetes
- Heart complication
- Kidney failure
- Retinal diseases
- Nerve Damage
Understanding how sugar levels affect health is essential so that you can work on the measure to prevent the spikes. Blood sugar levels also varied with age. A typical spike is tolerable at young ages. But they can be alarming at later generations due to multiple factors such as less immunity or tolerance. So, always keep your blood glucose and A1C levels checked at whatever age you are. In addition, also add glycemia care supplements after the recommendation of a healthcare professional.