Dry Eye Symptoms and Causes

Dry Eye Symptoms and Causes

Dry eyes, also known as dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you've ever experienced symptoms like irritation in the corner of your eye, eyes stinging and watering randomly, or even cloudy vision, you may be familiar with the discomfort dry eyes can bring.

It means with dry eyes your life could possibly be put to a halt because it might be only the eyes but even a minor pain in one small part of the body could impair you from doing anything. 

Therefore it is necessary to take immediate action to prevent the eye from getting worse. If not, be ready for a complete wreck. 

This is what we are here for today. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of dry eyes, exploring the dry eye causes, symptoms, and effective treatments that can provide relief. Whether you've been dealing with this condition for a while or are experiencing it suddenly, this blog will equip you with the knowledge you need to manage and alleviate dry eye symptoms.

Understanding Dry Eye Symptoms 

Dry eyes often manifest through a range of bothersome symptoms, including:

Burning Sensation

One of the most common symptoms is a burning sensation in the eyes, which can be uncomfortable and even painful. The burning sensation may be described as a gritty or stinging feeling, and it can significantly impact your eye comfort.

Irritation in the Corner of the Eye 

Many individuals with dry eyes experience irritation in the corners of their eyes. This discomfort can make blinking and moving your eyes uncomfortable, and it may lead to frequent rubbing of the eyes, which can worsen the condition.

Watery Eyes

Paradoxically, dry eyes can also cause excessive tearing, as your eyes attempt to compensate for the lack of moisture. This tearing is often reflexive and can lead to a constant need to wipe away excess tears. It occurs because the eyes detect dryness and respond by producing more tears, albeit ones that lack the necessary balance of nutrients to provide relief.

Blurry or Cloudy Vision

Dry eyes can lead to blurred vision at night or cloudy vision, affecting your ability to see clearly. When your eyes lack the necessary moisture, the surface of the eye becomes uneven. This unevenness can cause light to scatter, resulting in blurry or cloudy vision. This symptom can be particularly troublesome, as it impacts your overall visual quality.


Dry eyes often result in redness of the eyes, making them appear bloodshot. The irritation and inflammation caused by dryness can lead to a visible change in the color of your eyes.

Causes of Dry Eye Symptoms

dry eye causes

Your tear film generally keeps your eyes lubricated and moist. But whenever something happens to the tear duct or gland, the eye loses its proper lubrication, which turns dry and itchy. 

The discomfort can range from mild to severe, impacting day-to-day activities and overall well-being.  Out of many, the two major causes of Dry eyes is either decreased production of tears from the tear gland or increased tear evaporation. 

Decreased Tear production

Tears aren't just for crying. They're essential for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. The tear film, which covers our eyes, consists of three layers: an oily outer layer, a watery middle layer, and a mucus-based inner layer. Each layer ensures the eye remains lubricated and foreign particles are flushed out.

Defects or abnormalities in the tear duct system or swollen tear glands can lead to decreased tear drainage. Still, they can also be associated with decreased tear production in specific scenarios:

Aging: With age, lacrimal glands may produce fewer tears, mainly if tear duct obstructions exist.

Blocked Tear Ducts: These can cause excessive tearing but may also feel like dry eye if tears evaporate fast or are not of good quality.

Dacryoadenitis: Inflammation of the lacrimal gland that can diminish tear production, possibly due to infections, inflammation, or tumors.

Congenital Issues: Birth defects in the tear duct system can affect tear production and drainage.

Surgical or Traumatic Damage: Injuries or surgeries to the tear ducts can disrupt tear production and drainage.

Increased Tear Evaporation 

Tear evaporation is a natural process, but when it occurs at an accelerated rate, it can lead to the sensation of dry eyes. Several factors can exacerbate the evaporation of the watery component of tears, leading to discomfort and potential vision issues.

Blinking Patterns: Infrequent blinking, often due to prolonged screen use, can accelerate tear evaporation.

Environmental Factors: Windy, smoky, or low-humidity environments can hasten evaporation.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD): Dysfunction of these oil-producing glands can affect the tear film's stability, leading to quicker evaporation.

Eyelid Issues: Conditions like ectropion (outward-turning lids) can expose more of the eye's surface, increasing evaporation.

Contact Lens Wear: Some lenses can absorb the tear's moisture, amplifying evaporation and dryness sensations.

    Dry Eye Disease Management and Relief 

    Burning eyes, a common and uncomfortable symptom of dry eye syndrome, necessitates a comprehensive approach for effective management and relief. Addressing this issue often involves a combination of strategies tailored to alleviate discomfort and promote better eye health.

    Artificial Tears 

    Over-the-counter artificial tears play a crucial role in providing immediate relief for burning eyes. These eye drops are designed to mimic natural tears and can lubricate the eye's surface, reducing the irritation and dryness that contribute to the burning sensation. Regular use of artificial tears can offer temporary comfort and help maintain moisture in the eyes.

    Eye Drops 

    Consistent use of eye drops makes a huge difference. These prescription eye drops can serve multiple purposes, such as reducing inflammation in the eyes and promoting tear production. They provide a more targeted and potent solution to address the underlying causes of dry eye syndrome, offering longer-lasting relief from the burning sensation.

    Lifestyle Adjustments

    Have you ever wondered how to cure dry eyes permanently?

    The answer to the permanent solution lies in lifestyle changes.  

    Making simple lifestyle changes, such as using a humidifier, taking frequent screen breaks, and staying well-hydrated, can help manage dry eyes.

    Castor Oil For Dry Eye Syndrome 

    Castor oil offers a natural remedy for managing dry eyes by serving as a lubricant and anti-inflammatory agent. Castor oil contains essential fatty acids, such as ricinoleic acid, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help restore moisture to the eyes, making it effective in treating eye dryness.

    Castor oil also aids in improving tear quality and preventing excessive tear evaporation, ultimately contributing to enhanced eye comfort and reduced dry eye symptoms. Regular use of castor oil as part of your dry eye management routine can offer a soothing and nourishing solution for dry, uncomfortable eyes.

    How Eye Supplements Help In Dry Eye Management 

    Eye supplements make a huge difference in treating different types of dry eyes

    Eye supplements containing essential nutrients like vitamins A and C along with omega-3 fatty acids and lutein for eyes, are valuable in treating moderate dry eyes. These supplements, like Allbe's Eye Care, are particularly effective in alleviating gritty eyes and eyeball swelling associated with dryness. 

    Vitamin A supports mucous membrane health, while vitamin C promotes blood vessel well-being in the eyes, collectively reducing irritation and dryness. 

    Omega-3 fatty acids, recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties, enhance tear quality, offering relief from dry eye symptoms. Incorporating these supplements into your dry eyes treatment regimen, under professional guidance, can provide significant benefits for those seeking relief from gritty eyes and eyeball swelling caused by dryness. 


    Dry eyes can be a challenging condition to manage, but with the right knowledge and approach, you can find relief. Understanding the dry eye causes and symptoms of dry eyes is the first step toward effective treatment. Whether you opt for artificial tears, castor oil remedies, or explore the benefits of eye supplements, it's essential to consult with an eye care professional to create a personalized dry eye management plan tailored to your needs. With proper care and lifestyle adjustments, you can regain comfort and clarity in your vision, making dry eye symptoms a thing of the past.

    Don't let dry eyes interfere with your daily life. Take action today to soothe your eyes and protect your vision.

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